Cura Mind

A Journey to a Balanced you.

CuraMind helps you find the right therapist within minutes

Let Us
Help you find the Right Therapist

What type of therapists are you looking for?

The right therapist for you, a match away

The truth is, finding the right therapist you can connect with can be challenging, but it shouldn’t be. Our tailored approach focuses on understanding you and your background, allowing us to matchmake you (yes, old school) with someone we believe you can truly click with. The process is safe, free, and simple. The real change you’re looking for is closer than you think.

Nervous About Starting Therapy?

How CuraMind Work

Embark on your therapy journey with CuraMind, your personalised therapist-matching service that simplifies the process and provides unwavering support.

Simple Questions, Carefully Designed

Let us get to know you better by answering these simple yet thoughtfully crafted questions. Your responses will help us tailor a list of the most suitable therapists based on your unique needs and preferences.

Your Unique Path, Your Unique Therapist

From there, you’re empowered to take the reins and schedule an initial appointment with any of our recommended therapists. Experience the personalised attention and expertise that each therapist brings to the table, ensuring you find the right fit for your emotional well-being.

Throughout your therapy journey, our dedicated support team remains at your side, providing guidance and encouragement as you navigate the process of healing and personal growth. We’re here to answer your questions, address any concerns, and ensure you have the resources you need to succeed.

Why People Love CuraMind

Like Tinder but
to find Therapists

I’m so glad I used CuraMind to find my current therapist. We get on well and I can feel like he gets my background and where I come from which really helps. It’s definitely something I hadn’t experienced before!

So Easy
To Use

Honestly, it’s really refreshing to find a site that’s just easy to use and friendly to the eye! I signed up and got matched to my therapist super quick!

My Therapist
is Amazing

I had seen someone else in the past who I looked up online but I stopped because the vibe was off. Using CuraMind now, the experience is completely different – I can tell my therapist has really been handpicked for me and she’s great!

Why People Love CuraMind


CuraMind is your digital matchmaker, here to bring therapists and clients together with ease. Inspired by the simplicity of dating apps, we’ve revamped therapy-client matchmaking to be straightforward, accessible, and impactful. Our goal? To make finding the right therapist a breeze, understand firsthand the importance of connection during your therapeutic journey. Therapy can be a healing rollercoaster, and research shows that a strong connection with your therapist is key. That’s our mission – to facilitate that essential connection for your journey to positive change. Welcome to CuraMind!

Cura Blogs

Read about different experiences of people going to therapy and how it’s worked for them.. Relatable, conversational and honest – our journal gathers informal notes, blogs, audios and different resources to help you make the most of the therapy journey.

Let us Help you

We’ve been there and we kind of know how these things go. So, if you have any questions, want to learn more about our platform or simply want to say hello, drop us a line at
[email protected]
If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger – Please don’t use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.

Provide an introduction of yourself

I’m Looking For Therapy

I’m Therapist